Improving Everyday Life With Cutting Edge Technology
Connecting Healthcare to the Future

Connecting with members of the healthcare community (consumers, clinicians/specialists and/or healthcare vendors) should be seamless and accessible no matter where you are, or how complex your clients needs.
The C3 team understands that efficient and effective healthcare requires detailed and timely collaboration through a full continuum of care to connect, share and appropriately evaluate sensitive/confidential information for mutual clients/patients as well as the coordinating services or healthcare products with vendors and healthcare professionals.
The Story
C3 was founded on the principle that healthcare professionals and services should be easily accessible to any individual no matter what their barriers are or what community they live in.
That is why Community Care Connection has developed both a way to securely connect with healthcare providers as well as a structured practice management software for seamless care for the communities they serve.

Meet the Founders
Justin has 20 + years experience serving a variety of vulnerable populations (youth and adults) such as, traumatic brain injury, mental health, dual diagnosis, moderate to severe orthopaedic injuries developmental disabilities and individuals that have complex medical and/or special needs. Justin is a certified brain injury specialist, child and youth councillor and exercise physiologist. Justin has worked in the MVA sector and has helped promote safe, goal oriented and client centred care for individuals living with a traumatic or acquired brain injuries. Justin's client/patient experience has been seen through the hospital acute care system, long term government ABI programs, facilitating medical equipment throughout various LTCs and medical facilities, providing nursing and specialized staffing care throughout both the private and public sectors as well as facilitating a large network of healthcare providers and services throughout Canada.
Goran Lochart. Co-Founder
Goran has been a software developerfor over 14 years (12 commercially),creating Desktop, Web, and Mobileapplications during this time Goranbecame fully certified Java Developer(Java Oracle Certificate Associateprogrammer Java SE 8) Java, JPA,Java Enterprise Edition, Spring, SpringBoot, Maven, Gradle, andJavaFX.Goran isa Unity CertifiedExpert Programmer.
Lastly, Goran is an official developercontributor for LibGDX (a very populargame framework) and has extensiveexperience working with frameworksand editors such as but not limited toAndEngine, Unity, and Unreal engine.